今天為您開箱分享壞男情趣。美國大廠XR《Silicone Urethral Sound Trainer Set 鉑金級矽膠尿道擴張套組/馬眼玩耍》BDSM精品
經過站長的分析壞男情趣。美國大廠XR《Silicone Urethral Sound Trainer Set 鉑金級矽膠尿道擴張套組/馬眼玩耍》BDSM精品評比的結果,發現CP值蠻高的!!
網友都推薦而且很熱賣,所以分享給您 也可以參考以下壞男情趣。美國大廠XR《Silicone Urethral Sound Trainer Set 鉑金級矽膠尿道擴張套組/馬眼玩耍》BDSM精品介紹
網址: http://vbtrax.com/track/clicks/1615/c627c2bf980623d8f99cbd2e8d2b891473624ec970e9f0ab416db3036601?subid_1=&subid_2=&subid_3=&t=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.u-mall.com.tw%2FPages%2FProd.aspx%3Fsid%3D33297%26cid%3D36564%26sc%3D01324129
建議使用前充分潤滑並評估自身情況使用 使用後多喝水幫助排尿 Slide this smooth silicone into that shaft and stretch out your pisser! Made of premium, phthalate-free and non-porous silicone, these urethral sounds are easy to sterilize and body safe for an all new sounding experience. These flexible rods bend with the body, sliding down your shaft for that unique sensation that you crave. Each sound is double-sided, with a different sized girth on each end. The graduated sizes allow you to work your way up until your stretched-out piss hole can accommodate the largest rod! Silicone Urethral Sound Trainer Set Specifications: Measurements: Each sound is 8 inches in length. The smallest has a diameter of .19 inches on one side and .23 on the other. The medium is .27 inches and .32 inches in width. The large is .34 inches and .38 inches in width. Material: Silicone. |
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- ◎探測刺激/馬眼玩耍
壞男情趣。美國大廠XR《Silicone Urethral Sound Trainer Set 鉑金級矽膠尿道擴張套組/馬眼玩耍》BDSM精品
: http://vbtrax.com/track/clicks/1615/c627c2bf980623d8f99cbd2e8d2b891473624ec970e9f0ab416db3036601?subid_1=&subid_2=&subid_3=&t=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.u-mall.com.tw%2FPages%2FProd.aspx%3Fsid%3D33297%26cid%3D36564%26sc%3D01324129
更多壞男情趣。美國大廠XR《Silicone Urethral Sound Trainer Set 鉑金級矽膠尿道擴張套組/馬眼玩耍》BDSM精品系列商品挑選名單