


MPG , a diversified industrial company,plans to build a polysilicon plant in indonesia to ? rising demand for solar energy. 空格內該填? (A)cope (B)deal (C)meet (D)content 基本上 翻譯大概是MPG這個多元化公司,計畫在印度建造一個多晶矽太陽能工廠 ?上升的太陽能需求 ABCD意思都好像雷同 是要選哪一個呢 請幫我解釋四個答案中為什麼可選為什麼不可選 謝謝


MPG , a diversified industrial company,plans to build a polysilicon plant in Indonesia to ? rising demand for solar energy. 空格內該填? (A)cope (B)deal (C)meet (D)content 正解: (C)meet (A)cope : 不及物, 應改為cope with. (B)deal : 不及物, 應改為deal with. (C)meet : 正解, 滿足需求的慣用動詞, 後面可接demand, need, requirement等. (D)content : 受詞應是人, 不是事物.


Provide you with some other instances: 1. The bakery started to withdrew to their products so as to cope with the requirement of angry customers. 2. In order to meet the taste of buyers, the bakery added artificial additives to their breads. 2013-08-25 12:52:14 補充: 3. To deal with the scandal brought by their negligence (or deliberation), the bakery official proclaimed that they were going to close all branches for three days.2DFBFFA78A0B7F41

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